• Solar Price Transparency Has Arrived

    Solar financing saves you significant money with no upfront cost. Review how solar financing works below, then click Get A Quote to discover your savings!

  • Solar Ownership: Purchase vs. Finance

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    Solar Energy Purchase

    Most homeowners know that owning their solar system saves the most money. However, homeowners should not assume ownership implies a cash purchase. Buying a solar system outright is a large out-of-pocket expense, and is not always the right option.

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    Solar Energy Financing

    Homeowners can qualify for a $0-down solar loan and cut their electric bill by 40%! For example, pay nothing out-of-pocket to install a solar system, and replace a rising $100 electric bill with a fixed $60 loan payment.

  • Choose The Rates That Are Right For You!

    Financing involves a simple choice of interest rate and term.

    No Interest Options

    No Interest is available for terms of 12, 18, or 24 months. Use this option to avoid a large upfront cost but still own the system outright within a short time frame.

    Low Interest Options

    Low interest terms offer 5, 10, or 20 year financing for as low as 2.99%. Use this option if you want to minimize your finance payment and generate more savings in the short term.

  • How to Enroll in Solar Financing

    Simple qualification & enrollment without the hassle of conventional financing


    After you view real-time pricing for your home, we help homeowners run eligibility for the highest rated and most competitive finance providers.


    Review Financing

    We'll review your eligibility results in detail with you, including interest rates, term lengths, and prepayment options.


    Enroll & Save!

    After every question is answered and docs are signed, we start on your project. Our average install time is only 2 weeks!